Modern Parametric Bridges

Excellent engineering and science would inevitably incorporate aesthetic elements. Few individuals would consider a boring solid colored steel spanned across from land A to B as an item pleasing to the eyes. Bridges as an architect would put it – as a connector; a messenger to forward exchanges between two grounds. It has to be… Read More Modern Parametric Bridges

Beijing’s Moebius Strip: where every piece of glass had to be customized

Phoenix International Media  凤凰国际传媒中心 Building status: Completed in Year 2013, May Land area: 18821.83m2 Built-up area: 75368m2 (Ground: 41630m2,basement: 33738m2) Height: 55m Depth: 15m Located in the South-west corner of Chaoyang park, Beijing, the Phoenix International Media has once again brought a new visual impact to its audience around the globe. On the contrary to its… Read More Beijing’s Moebius Strip: where every piece of glass had to be customized